

I’m Joseph.

Here's a keyboard, connected to the entire world.

Here's a keyboard, connected to the entire world.


I was reading last week on my Kindle. The book was Do The Work, Pressfield. The sun was shining, it was 67 degrees and my brain was enjoying new ideas in book form. It occurred to me I need to read a whole lot more - books, news and tech articles, etc. These are the raw materials that I make and build from. I’ve not been doing enough reading or idea making lately - not nearly enough.

I reached over… grabbed my phone and dumped Insta, TikTok (and I already don’t open FB much anyway).

I used to check those a few times a day (in idol times during the day or when a notification came). Now, I’m only checking on the second phone. This week I’ve missed checking a few days all together. I did not check ‘em at all.  That’s new.

The advances in technology were promised to make us more time. Here I’m thinking of the videos forecasting the future made in the 1960s. We got more time. I had chosen, like a majority of folks, to study social dynamics via my phone. We’re not addicted to phones, however much it looks like it. We're addicted to the study of others… of culture. Or maybe it’s just me. I have been addicted to studying culture at different times.

I’ve focused my reading time in the last week on a few select sources and can sense some of my maker tendencies returning. These were my thoughtful actions of the last week. I’m spending my attention differently. And, that refocus is on new inputs and making ideas colliding again. It feels good - so much better that studying social on my phone.

Seth Godin provided the forward for the version of Do The Work I'm reading. This paragraph hit hard.
"And, here's a keyboard, connected to the entire world. Here's a publishing platform you can use to interact with just about anyone, just bout any time, for free. You wanted a level playing field, one where you have just as good a shot as anyone else? Her it is. Do the work."

Day three

Day three

Mixers and Measure

Mixers and Measure