

I’m Joseph.



We’ve just completed our third adventure. Different than a vacation, these are directionally planned but not more specific than that. Let me explain the current rules:

  1. You can stay in a place one night. After that you need to move on.

  2. You must see sunrise and sunset. The more epic the spot, the better.

  3. Bonus goes to unusual lunch and/or activity.

  4. Follow the “All The Dogs Can’t Be Wrong” guides: roll in the grass, stick your head out the window, and swim whenever you’re presented with the chance.

Yesterday, @kellyvohs asked why we don’t live by as many of these rules in our daily life. I went to take pictures of the sunrise this morning. What will you hack for your adventure today?

1/3 of the way around

1/3 of the way around

To Know Something

To Know Something